Faraz Ali thanks for putting up such a beautiful article.
I am a Product Designer by profession and I am one of the target audience of Netflix.
I have the same paint point of discovering which movie to watch.
Here is my story:
Parvez is a married 44 years old Product Designer who loves to watch movie with his wife on weekend night (Mostly Friday night).
His wife is a home maker and relies on Parvez to choose which movie to watch.
They enjoy both Bollywood and Hollywood movies which are Romantic, Emotional, Inspirational, Action.
Lately we saw a Netflix Exclusive and Recommended Movies such as ‘Sonia’ and we were really disappointed.
Netflix may be able to recommend me movies based on my choices such as Genre/Actors but how do I trust the recommendations of Netflix.
It has limited connection.
Right now I Identify few movies on Netflix and go to IMBD check the ratings and marked them in my Watch List.