Learn UX Design for free from this list of free online User Experience Design courses for beginners.
Introduction to User Experience Design by Springborad
User Experience Design is fun and it is one of the most in-demand profession.
Someone said it very sweetly and shortly
For tech startups, product experience is God, the rest is merely code.
Here is list of some of free Online UX Design / User Experience Design Courses for beginners.
Please also check out the list of some of the paid best Online UX Design Courses for beginners.
Hope this post can help you find the best free online UX design course for beginners and help you start your journey towards one of the most interesting and in-demand profession of “User Experience Designer”.
Who is this post for?
Students, Graduates, Professionals from different field, Business Owner, Product Manager, Developer or anyone planning to learn User Experience Design
Things to consider while looking for free courses?
Here are some of the factors that will help you decide whether a free course is worth spending time:
- Course Content and Depth (the content is short and introductory, although some course have quality content)
- Because its free, it lacks commitment and the completion rate is low
- Lack of personal/community support
Free Courses is good for:
- If you want to get a taste of UX design
- If you want to understand what is UX design is all about
- If you independent and self learner
Some more recommendations:
- Go through the course content and depth
- Check if they have a following advanced/premium course or bootcamp that can help you advance your learning
- Sign up for 1 at a time
List of Free Online UX Design Courses
1.User Experience Design
by SpringBoard
As a UX designer, you’ll combine creative design work with problem solving while focusing on the end user. It’s a multi-faceted job at the forefront of technology. With high demand and job security, now is the right time to explore a career in UX design!
Intro to User Experience Design will teach you the basics of UX design through hands-on projects. You will:
- See what life as a UX designer is like
- Learn how to conduct research to understand your users
- Learn the process of ideation and sketching
- Discover what a wireframe is and how to make one
- Work through a project from start to finish to complete a wireframe
Get started in this free course today and begin your journey into UX design.
2. Introduction to User Experience Design
by Coursera
The focus of this course is to introduce the learner to User Experience (UX) Design User Experience design is design that is user centered.
The goal is to design artifacts that allow the users to meet their needs in the most effective efficient and satisfying manner. The course introduces the novice to a cycle of discovery and evaluation and a set of techniques that meet the user’s needs. This course is geared toward the novice. It is for learners that have heard about “user experience” or “user interface” design but don’t really know much about these disciplines.
3. UX Design: From Concept to Prototype
from Coursera
What You’ll Learn:
- Define and scope the design problem you will try to address
- Create user stories and storyboards to transform information about user needs into design concepts
- Produce sketches and conduct brainstorming sessions to generate many design ideas from which you can construct a high-quality design solution
- Develop interface wireframes to concretize the design and enable early user testing
- Conduct user tests with paper prototypes to get preliminary user feedback on the design concept and interactions
- Develop high-fidelity mockups that specify visual design elements
- Create Wizard of Oz prototypes to efficiently test complex interactions and interactive systems that are not screen-based (e.g., smart assistants)
4. Fundamentals of UX Design
by Tutsplus
User experience design can be a tricky process to master, as any designer turned usability tester can tell you. Sarah Kahn, UX Engineer for Adzerk, is here to demystify user experience and walk you through the process! Get the insider’s guide to working with clients, getting user feedback, and much more.
Sarah brings her industry experience and teaches you the basic theories of usability, including:
- Fundamental concepts of user interface
- The anatomy of a webpage
- How to find out who your users are
- Create user profiles
- Identify usability problems and prioritize solutions
- How to design and run usability testing
- Getting useful feedback from your users
- Information Architecture and interaction
- Using wireframing, understanding methodology, getting buy in
5. UX Fundamentals
by Gymnasium
UX Fundamentals will teach you how to apply user-centered design principles in order to improve your website and mobile app design. A must-take course for anyone working in web design and development.
You will learn how to conduct basic user research and create user personas; approaches to information design, wireframing, and prototyping; how to organize a site’s content in a way that meets user expectations; how to facilitate a positive user experience by relying on common design patterns; and finally, how to conduct user testing. By the end of the course, you should have a solid framework for assessing a site’s usability and a methodology for applying UX principles to site design and development.
6. UX Design for Mobile Developers by Google
on Udacity
This course is optimized for the developer who is looking to efficiently learn the most important design techniques that will help them make better apps (with a focus on mobile/Android).
This is a UX design course built for current (and aspiring) mobile developers. In this short course, you’ll step back from your IDE and dive into the techniques that great designers use to plan and prototype amazing apps before any code is written.
7. Principles of UX Design
an email course by Invision
You’ll receive the following chapters:
- What is user experience?
- UX as a practice and the roles that make it up
- Project planning and process
- What is user research?
- What are personas and why are they important
- What is information architecture?
- UX visual design
- Presenting and participating in UX reviews
- Beyond UX
If you are really serious and willing to start your career, here is the list of Paid Online UX Course for beginners.
Listen to your heart and give it a short.
I hope this post has given you enough choices on the different kind of Free Online UX Design courses available for beginners in the market and has helped make the right choice.
Feel free to recommend if you know of a course which you think should be listed here.
Please help the community by commenting the name of the course you are subscribed to and your feedback.
Looking for an Online UX Design Mentor?
After completing any of these courses you would need a Mentor who can help you with the following:
- Apply the learnings from this course to work on a Project
- Build a portfolio that you can showcase
- Start applying for the position of a UX Designer
Send me an email at theboringdesigner at gmail.com if you are looking for an Online UX Design Mentor